Arun shourie the world of fatwas pdf
Arun shourie the world of fatwas pdf

arun shourie the world of fatwas pdf arun shourie the world of fatwas pdf

There is humongous amount of references & much of that content has been reproduced even in the text. On the flip side, the book could have been much better edited. In spite of all the clamoring by secularists that extremists like ISIS have nothing to do with religion, the book lays threadbare the theology that is at the heart of what motivates the faithful for Jihad. Observing the contemporary events & media reporting, one could see that secularism is nothing but a tool to shield & protect the obscurantist agenda of the ulema. Ironically the ideology that led to partition still thrives well in this country. Most of all it traces the thought process that led to the eventual creation of Pakistan & their outlook towards India. It helps understand the Muslim mindset, their worldview, issues important to them & their social & economic condition. This book is backed by the kind of meticulous research that could be the envy of any great scholar.

Arun shourie the world of fatwas pdf